Saturday, September 8, 2012


Woke up early in the morning just to catch the morning movie. Shirlynn wanted to watch 犀利人妻, and that was just what we watched. Movie tickets are kind of expensive here, but the food is cheap I would say. Popcorn and 2 drinks were bought at 99NTD (around SGD 4.50).

After our morning entertainment, we went to 台北市立動物園!

The zoo is so big! And there are so many animals that Singapore zoo does not have. We saw Koalas, and the two pandas 團團 and 圓圓! We saw penguins too! So many of them! The point is, the enclosures are not side by side. The animals have ample space to move around. I think Singapore is too small for this. Haha.

Wanted to go 貓空 after that but it just stopped raining and the cable car wasn't working for the moment. Sadly, we left. But when we reached 台北車站 there was an announcement that the cable car had resumed. PFFTTT. :(

Anyway, we decided to go 士林夜市 instead. To those who have went there a long time ago, let me tell you. The place has changed a lot. It is no longer so complicated. Now, all the food stalls are located at the basement, and the clothes shops on the road level. There are still food stalls on the road level, but the encircle the side of the night market.

The first thing that we could not miss would be:

Yes! 雞排! Okay as we continued walking we saw 豪大大雞排 but who cares? this is nice as well. The only downside is that it has bones.

Want a drink? Try this.

Yes. 青蛙下蛋. It's actually mainly 愛玉 and different things that go with it. 青蛙下蛋 is 愛玉 with 粉圓. But I'm not that fond of 粉圓. So I bought 愛玉檸檬. Very refreshing!

After that we went down to the basement and had

滷肉飯 and 蠔仔煎! Of course, it is nice! So yummy. We were really full by the time we finished all this. So we went to shop. The clothes here are not exactly that cheap, but still, it's nice. I'm still waiting for the end summer sale. Haha.

Before we head back to Hsinchu, we had our last food

起士馬鈴薯! This store is recommended by the programme 時尚玩家. And it is really yummy! For those who love cheese that is. This store can be spotted easily when you walk from 劍潭 station to the night market. And how can I forget? I had my beloved papaya milk again! :D


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