Friday, October 12, 2012

那些年,我們一起~~ 逛彰化!

6 October 2012

We decided to go to 彰化! Where the movie 那些年,我們一起追的女孩 (you are the apple of my eye) was set in.

We took the TRA. It was around 1+ hours and we stood all the way. Okay, almost. :/

Once we reached, the first place we went was...

okay doesn't say anything. But if you have watched the movie, there is this scene where the guys were eating 肉圓. This is the shop they ate it at!

doesn't look like 肉圓 I know, but it is! and it is damn yummy!!! :D

plus our 貢丸湯.

Then after that we went to...

永樂觀光夜市商圈. Okay it wasn't night when we went, but still there are actually places to shop. But, we didn't go there to shop, so not much money was brought. T.T The things are actually quite cheap there.... Anyway, this is the place where 沈佳宜 and her friend went to buy the red bean cake after school haha. But you won't see the stall here, because according to my friend, that stall was specially set up for the movie.

Our next destination, the place where the vampires appeared~ 八卦山.

To go up to the main attraction we actually walked the longer route. ZZZZ. But we saw many other things as well!

and here we are!

the view from up here is amazing:

The actual main entrance:

Our next destination was 扇形車庫.

This is where they store their railway carriages. :D Because pictures say a thousand words,

and... a somewhat 'artistic' photo of me XD

It was too late to go 天空之橋 and 鹿港小鎮 because we had to catch the 830pm train, so we decided to have dinner and then walk around the area nearby the train station before heading home...


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