Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 2 and 3 of SCHOOL~

It has been a lot of weeks since I updated. Haha. School has been quite busy I would say, there's already homework! And I have tests in two weeks time.

So let's see, where have I gone and what have I been doing?

27 September 2012
Since I only have class in the afternoon, Xinrong and I decided to do our hair. She wanted to have it cut and I wanted to have it dyed. Found a salon near our school. At first I was quite worried how the service and the quality of the outcome would be, but I guess it is not bad! What is best is it is really worth the money. I had my hair dyed plus treatment for 1340NTD (~SGD 50+)
The colour was much brighter when I first had it dyed. But still nice now! Although at the moment is laksek until cannot.

Then at night, Hyunmin brought the three of us to 東門市場. Which is actually the city area. There is a mini shopping street there, but I was too out of the shopping state to buy anything. For our dinner, I had 魷魚羹米粉 while Xinrong and Shirlynn had 炒米粉. Conclusion: 新竹米粉 is damn nice.

30 September 2012
Typhoon passed, so we decided to go Taipei once again! This time, we went to Taipei 101 building! Although I went before last time, always can go again! Haha. Ate at the food court downstairs. The food is not bad! But kind of expensive. (like duh~)

After that, we went to 師大夜市. The clothes there are really fashionable, and I bought my jackets there, since I needed them for the cold season. Recommended for youngsters I would say.

Oh, forgot to mention. That day was Mid-Autumn Festival. At first we thought we would not be able to see the moon because of the typhoon, but we saw it! It was so round and big and bright :D

3rd October 2012
It's october! Yes time has passed so fast. Anyway, as a dancer, how could I bear not dancing for so many months! So on this day, I mean, night, I went in search of my dance studios in Hsinchu. There are 2 so far, that I knew of. MIX dance studio and MerryMonarc.
Decided to try MerryMonarc's class, and realised that in Taiwan they kind of focus more on techniques. For a 1.5 hour class, 30 to 45 minutes will be spent on warming up and stretching. It's super thorough. And the remaining will be teaching the choreography, but the length of the choreography is not very long. I suppose I will be able to train my basics and techniques here....


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